Fellow Dolphins,
With the news that the final stage of easing lockdown restrictions has been delayed to (at least) 19 July I have had to reconsider aspects of Presidents Day.
The plans to gather at my house after the match for our traditional celebrations will now not take place. However, as recreational cricket remains a permitted activity, it is my intention that we play the Presidents Day match as planned on Sunday 4 July. Sarah and I will provide a cricket tea - we hope that with a few small contributions the cricket tea will sustain our visitors during the afternoon in lieu of the barbecue that would have taken place Chez President.
Once the match is over we shall remain at the park for a while, award the trophy to the winning captain and toast all Dolphins past and present. To support the toast (and the general imbibement that may follow), might I suggest that visitors bring a few chosen liquid refreshments to keep them hydrated after the match.
So, by way of confirmation:
- Gather from 10:30 on Sunday 4 July at the lower pitch, Rothamsted Park
- Match to start at 11:30; 35 overs per side
- Tea between innings
- Post-match ’social’ at the pitch, observing social distancing
- The pavilion will be closed by 7pm latest
Please note that the pavilion will only be open for changing and toilet facilities. All food and drink will be served / consumed outside.
If you haven’t done so already, please let me know if you will be coming to the match during the day.
Best wishes,
Harpenden Dolphins CC